What is WOTC?
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals with barriers to employment.
The WOTC program is designed to promote hiring of individuals within target groups, who may face challenges securing employment due to limited skills or work experience.

WOTC Expertise
First Advantage brings years of compliance expertise, a thorough understanding of program administration and strong relationships with state workforce agencies to maximize its customer’s WOTC capture.
We maintain:
- A strategic presence in most states, covering all time zones and offer 24/7 tax credit screening services
- A government advocacy team to help drive automation efforts in multiple states, and proactively collaborate with other states to initiate or upgrade systems to expedite tax credit efficiencies

This proprietary technology offers a second chance to proactively screen employees who may have been previously missed in the screening process.

E-Sig Screening Solutions
Simple, fast, and secure technology that optimizes Form 8850 completion and program results, including integrated screening through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

Contact Us
Tell us about your business to help us identify the best screening solutions to meet your needs.
Solutions By Industry
Let us help you Hire Smarter and Onboard Faster with a program specialized to address the challenges you face each day.