Form I-9 Compliance: Simplify Your Onboarding Process

Learn More about Form I-9 & E-Verify Today

The Future of I-9 Form Management

Remote hiring is increasing in popularity as the next-gen workforce evolves into one of the most mobile and tech-savvy generations. First Advantage Form I-9  helps you simplify and manage the process of onboarding new hires, by streamlining employment eligibility verification, and Form I-9 compliance using the convenience of digital workflows.

Secure. Simple. Compliant.

100% cloud based. Complete your remote I-9s via tablets, smart phones & laptops.

Option to sign the Form I-9 using a mouse, stylus, or finger (if using a tablet), or click to sign to attest the information is correct.

Reduce the I-9 process from days to minutes with I-9 Connect.

I-9 Form Compliance Confidence

Getting started doesn’t have to be overwhelming when you have the right partner. First Advantage Form I-9 Compliance provides the highest level of attention, expertise, and care in each of these key areas:

Seamless New Hire Processing

Reduce hiring times and expedite remote onboarding with cloud-based Form I-9 and E-Verify for new hires. Easily manage I-9 Form data using our compliance dashboard and receive alerts regarding expiring documents or reverification needs. Make informed decisions with the support of our I-9 subject area specialists.

Secure. Simple. Compliant.

Reduce the I-9 Form process from days to minutes. With 100% cloud-based workflows, your new employees will complete I-9 Forms remotely from virtually any devices. Your new hires will have the convenient options of signing with their mouse, stylus, finger, or a click, attesting the information is correct. It’s that simple to onboard faster.

I-9 Audit and Remediation Options

We’re here to help make sense of the details. Feel secure with highly trained Form I-9 Audit professionals at your service. Recognize errors, omissions, or discrepancies in data. Identify required employment reverification, expired work documents, and purgeable I-9s with our comprehensive Electronic I-9 Auditing System.

Imaging and Indexing Historical I-9 Form Records

Reduce the risk of government fines with capture services, remediation, and comprehensive I-9 auditing. Electronic I-9 Form storage allows for easier access to data, form update capabilities, and error detection. Our Compliance Dashboard alerts employers of expiring documents and purgeable data to help them mitigate risk.

Consulting Services

First Advantage Assists you in Developing and Maintaining Compliant I-9 and E-Verify Practices through Consulting Services.

Contact Us

Tell us about your business to help us identify the best screening solutions to meet your needs.

Background Checks

I am a Candidate seeking support for my background check.


I am a current Customer seeking support for my account.

I am a Prospect seeking to talk with sales.

Solutions By Industry

Let us help you Hire Smarter and Onboard Faster with a program specialized to address the challenges you face each day.

Background Check Resources

Trustworthy information to assist you with strategies that empower business growth, enlighten leadership and help you face the future with confidence.

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