Next-gen employment verification helps level the playing field against ghosting and job hopping

Ghosting and job hopping are troubling trends in hiring today. Up to 83 percent of employers in a 2019 survey reported being “ghosted,” which is when candidates fail to respond or show up during the interview process or after being hired.1 Another 2019 study shows that 75 percent of Millennials—the largest group in today’s workforce—believe it helps their career to “frequently change jobs,” i.e., job hop.2 Employers are paying the price. Knowing it can easily cost $3,000 or more to replace just one employee, many are searching for new background screening strategies to help offset these costs and boost hiring speed. This article suggests starting with the root issue, a candidate’s job history, and finding a faster, more cost-effective method to background check employment history. In today’s tight labor market, time is money. On average it can take up to three days to verify a candidate’s prior employment history, and that’s if it can be verified at all. Sometimes information provided by the candidate is inaccurate or incomplete, or the verifier is simply unable to verify it for any number of reasons. Apart from the time and money spent verifying each prior job, the delays can cause employers to miss out on quality candidates who—in the midst of today’s historically low unemployment—may be entertaining multiple offers of employment. Leverage our database of education and employment verifications.
  • Search more than 14 million employment history records, in seconds
  • Get near-instant verification of past employment and education if included in the database
  • Shave days off the screening process
  • Lock in candidates, faster, before they accept an offer from another company
What’s more, this approach also offers businesses exciting opportunities to monetize their candidate data, which can help to further reduce hiring costs. It’s a new way of thinking about employment screening and traditional background checks that enabling employers to level the playing ground against fast-moving candidate trends and behaviors. If you’re a First Advantage customer, you automatically qualify for this next-gen employment verification service known as Verified!®  Watch this short presentation:

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