Requirements may vary dependent on Microsoft’s specifications, as such all sections below may not be applicable to you. Please refer to the online application as only sections required will appear.
Scan your documents separately and ensure that all documentation uploaded is clear and complete. You may also wish to use your smartphone to photograph relevant documents and upload to the First Advantage portal.
Address History
- Your address history for up to a period in the last 7 years.
- Include any international addresses where possible.
- If travelling with no fixed address during this time, you will be asked to provide details.
Identification Documents
- You will be required to provide a legible copy of photographic identification.
- You may be required to provide additional identification documents. Please refer to the online form.
- NOTE: Please ensure that your name in your identification document matches what you will be declaring in the online form. Please ensure you only upload a VALID and CURRENT ID document.
- You will be required to provide consent before First Advantage can commence your background check.
Additional Consent
- You may be required to complete an additional consent form for Criminal Record Checks. You will be provided with any additional consent required when you complete the online form.
- You may be required to provide details of your employment in past 5 years, including details of any gaps in your employment.
- Your former employers will be contacted by First Advantage to verify the details of your employment.
- First Advantage may also be conducting employment references with your previous managers.
Education & Credentials
- You may be required to provide details of your education and professional qualifications/ memberships.
- You may be required to provide copies of your diploma/certificates or transcripts for the qualifications obtained.
- For candidates with degree level education completed in China, you may be asked to assist with the MOE/CDGDC education verification process – if this is relevant to you, you will be notified.
Additional documents
- You may provide further documents which could assist First Advantage in the screening process. Such documents could include;
- Relieving letters, payslips, Tax forms, copy of contract (redacted is fine) or an employment certificate.
- The documents should verify the start/end date of your employment with the company the position you held or currently hold (if still employed by the company)
IMPORTANT: First Advantage is unable to commence any checks unless the required consent forms are received.
Once you have completed your online application and provided the necessary supporting documentation, First Advantage will review your application for completeness and may contact you for additional information if necessary. Once all checks have been completed, a report will be issued to Microsoft.
If you have any queries regarding this process, please contact our Customer Care Team (