First Advantage

Adverse Finance Check

Protect your business’ reputation and integrity with our online adverse financial check. We provide a clear, concise report almost instantly, giving you the confidence that comes having conducted compliant checks on your applicant’s financial soundness.

What is it?

An adverse financial check or adverse credit check is a thorough search of a credit reporting agency, or public database, to determine a applicant’s credit status and/or credit history.

What do I get?

The results of the check may include: Confirmation of no credit record, or confirmation of record found, with details including financial judgments, litigation, and collection matters (depending on local processes and data availability).

What are the benefits?

When you’re recruiting for a role that involved handling sensitive data or financial transactions, this sort of employee credit check is essential. In addition, it can be used to support FCA fit and proper checks prior to an application for a controlled function.

An individual who is under financial stress is potentially vulnerable. However, awareness of the facts enables you to make informed recruitment decisions.

And as your employees’ circumstances can change, you can also choose to regularly re-run the adverse financial check to check for updated data.

Contact Us

Tell us about your business to help us identify the best screening solutions to meet your needs.

I am a Candidate seeking support for my background check.

I am a current Customer seeking support for my account.

I am a Prospect seeking to talk with sales.

Background Check Resources

Trustworthy information to assist you with strategies that empower business growth, enlighten leadership and help you face the future with confidence.

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About First Advantage

Along the applicant journey and beyond, leading HR teams around the globe rely on First Advantage for screening, verifications, safety, and compliance. Striking the balance between tech and people, our innovations help you Hire Smarter and Onboard Faster.
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