Reputational Due Diligence

Mitigate risk to company assets, employees, and customers protected by verifying your vendors’ backgrounds before inviting them into your organization.

Mitigate risks to a Company Assets, Employees, and Customers

Verifying vendor’s background before inviting them to a company’s premises is a wise risk management tool used by best-in-class companies. Not knowing a vendor’s background may expose a company to reputational risks and undue media scrutiny, particularly regarding corruption and bribery.

The reputational due diligence process entails gathering and reviewing relevant information about an individual or third-party company.

Recommended Vendor Risk Management Best Practices

  1. Conduct ongoing due diligence on third-party vendors: Continued monitoring is a critical element of any ABAC (Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy) compliance program. Consider including government watch lists and media reviews.
  2. Enforce third-party risk management policies and practices: It is essential to invest in personnel and tools that can help secure a growing network of vendor providers.
  3. Expertise and industry knowledge: Avoid conducting due diligence through in-house manual processes. The cost and time of employing internal resources might be inefficient and possibly more costly. Relying on established industry experts in background screening for vendors, who incorporate technology and can more easily flag potential issues or concerns with easy-to-read reports, will help uncover potential non-compliance risks.

Contact Us

Tell us about your business to help us identify the best screening solutions to meet your needs.

I am a Candidate seeking support for my background check.

I am a current Customer seeking support for my account.

I am a Prospect seeking to talk with sales.

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About First Advantage

Along the applicant journey and beyond, leading HR teams around the globe rely on First Advantage for screening, verifications, safety, and compliance. Striking the balance between tech and people, our innovations help you Hire Smarter and Onboard Faster.
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First Advantage is committed to environmental, social, and corporate governance initiatives.

About First Advantage
Along the applicant journey and beyond, leading HR teams around the globe rely on First Advantage for screening, verifications, safety, and compliance. Striking the balance between tech and people, our innovations help you Hire Smarter and Onboard Faster.