Our Social Media search includes
- Track candidate’s profiles updates
- Check tone of candidate’s updates
- Check conduct
- Identify patterns
- Check authenticity of the information provided on various channels
- Candidates Network strength
- Social Reach
- Online buzz: What people are saying about the candidate on various Online channels/blogs etc.
- Identify influencers of the candidate
- Identify topics he talks about
- Online Reputation of the candidate
- Online buzz: What people have said in the past and talking about Backward & Forward Tracking
- Media Coverage
- Achievement
- Profile comparison of Candidates

Social Media: Global Product (FAMA)
Social media search is conducted using proprietary technology to identify candidate’s publicly available social media profiles on the internet and analyses its content. For example, the content of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Instagram profiles will be flagged according to agreed flagging system. The search also includes news and web search.
Subject to agreed flagging system, the report shall include:
- Links to all social media profiles confirmed for the candidate
- Content of all posts matching agreed search criteria
- Reasons for why the post was flagged
- Links to all news and web items confirmed for the candidate
- Snippets of the contents of the article
- Indicators for any flags appearing in the article

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