Drug Screening

With numerous and intelligent drug screening methods, you can onboard quicker. We empower employers with the tools, information, and technology to improve hiring decisions, reduce liability, and create safe workplaces.

Benefits of Drug Screening


Drug screening can be a vital step when it comes to protecting employees. Pre-employment and ongoing drug screening can help you maintain workplace well-being and safety.


Drug screening programs aim to filter out drug users and deter drug use in the workplace. Maintain business momentum with streamlined procedures, whether you require lab-based testing for DOT purposes or you’re conducting virtual drug screening.

Community Protection

Protect your team and applicants with a fully contactless pre-employment drug screening from First Advantage. For delivery drivers, construction pros, office workers, or virtually any profession that interacts within your corporate community, drug screening is an essential step in mitigating workplace risk while promoting the health and safety of the community.


Workplace incidents can be costly. Drug screening not only minimizes the risks associated with potential damages to your workplace but can also provide long-term savings.

Find Your Solution

Tell us about your business and a representative will contact you shortly to discuss the best screening solutions to meet your needs.

Background Check Resources

Trustworthy information to assist you with strategies that empower business growth, enlighten leadership and help you face the future with confidence.

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About First Advantage

Along the applicant journey and beyond, leading HR teams around the globe rely on First Advantage for screening, verifications, safety, and compliance. Striking the balance between tech and people, our innovations help you Hire Smarter and Onboard Faster.
People are at the Heart of Everything We Do

First Advantage is committed to environmental, social, and corporate governance initiatives.

Improve compliance accuracy and speed with our integrated solutions for your business  

Companies are evolving—from new technology to new innovative business models, first advantage helps make background check process more efficient, and compliant to help hire faster and better.