Access Critical Regulatory Checks Around The World
For many job positions, a standard background check package may suffice. However, within certain regulated industries, such as financial services or banking, and in some jurisdictions, there are local laws, rules or regulations which require specific types of additional database searches. While most employers know where to turn for required regulatory screening within their own country, it is not as simple when hiring candidates to work in other countries.
Our international regulatory checks can help by providing employers access to critical regulatory checks around the world. With fast, streamlined access to these required searches, employers can more easily select packages which they have determined are applicable to them by their legal advisors in order to comply with specific regulatory conditions. In addition, employers can mitigate risk and make better informed hiring decisions by acquiring a more complete history of the candidate.

With Our International Regulatory Checks
- Make stronger hiring decisions — particularly with senior, technical or financially-sensitive positions—by being provided more thorough information and data concerning the candidate’s background and reputation within the given industry
- Preserve time and resources by easily accessing records held by equivalent regulatory bodies in other countries
- Access one of the largest selections of regulatory check packages available in the screening industry
- Streamline hiring by adding best-practice, country-specific screening packages as needed, and using one, consolidated resource for all international regulatory checks, as well as all other global screening components

Choose From Our Portfolio Of Regulatory Checks
Unlike most providers who offer limited, if any, regulatory checks, our extensive global footprint spans 26 locations across 14 countries, giving us the unique ability to provide employers around the world with an expanded selection of regulatory searches, along with localized, in-country expertise.
Various Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) and Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC) database searches are available
Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission and China’s National Bribery Record archive searches are available
Hong Kong SAR (China)
Hong Kong Financial Regulatory and Hong Kong Disqualified Director searches are available
Anti-Social Forces (Yakuza) search is available
Anti-Corruption check is available
New Zealand
Disqualified managers and directors check is available
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Financial Advisors and Register of Representatives check is available
United Kingdom
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System (CIFAS) verifications are available
Our International Background Checks Services
Let us help you Hire Smarter and Onboard Faster with a program specialized to address the challenges you face each day.
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