First Advantage Data Privacy Principles
The First Advantage Data Privacy Principles address the handling of personally identifiable information (PII), including sensitive PII, that is collected, maintained, used, or shared in relation to the services provided by First Advantage for both our global and U.S. domestic products and services, where applicable.
First Advantage safeguards the PII we maintain or disseminate by implementing appropriate administrative, physical, and technical measures to ensure it is not accessed by unauthorized individuals or used improperly.
Restricting Access of Personally Identifiable Information
First Advantage limits PII distribution based on its sensitivity, granting access to non-public PII only to authorized users or customers. Additional safeguards for sensitive information, such as Social Security numbers and driver’s license numbers are implemented.
First Advantage is committed to accurately reporting information in its products and ensuring the accuracy of the data received from its sources.
First Advantage regularly educates its employees, users, and the public about the proper use of its products and services.
Reputable Sources
First Advantage obtains PII from established, reputable sources within both the government and private sectors. To uphold this principle, First Advantage takes reasonable measures to evaluate the reputation and reliability of its private sector data sources before integrating PII from these sources into its products and services.
First Advantage provides customers with the option to opt out of the dissemination of PII from certain First Advantage-owned databases that are used exclusively for marketing our services.
Access & Correction
First Advantage offers consumers a central point of contact for any questions they may have about the company and its commitment to the responsible use of PII.
First Advantage advocates for accountability in industry standards, effective federal regulation, and legislation for data providers. The company supports industry oversight, privacy community engagement, and believes strong privacy and security protections are essential for a trusted data industry.
Online Privacy
First Advantage safeguards the privacy of PII obtained online by applying our Data Privacy Principles and evolving standards to the digital environment.
Identity Theft
First Advantage is committed to preventing the misuse of information from its products and services, including for purposes like identity theft.
First Advantage obtains assessments from a qualified, objective, independent third party to assess administrative, technical, and physical safeguards, as appropriate.